ODA Spending

How much ODA does Canada allocate to global health?

Canada was the 6th-largest OECD DAC donor to global health in 2022. In 2021, Canada was first among DAC donors in terms of its prioritization of global health, but has since fallen to third-largest relative donor. ODA to global health represented 18% percent of its total ODA spending in 2022, compared to 30% in 2021.

How is Canadian global health ODA changing?

How does Canada allocate global health ODA?

Bilateral Spending

Funding for COVID-19 control spiked in 2021, taking up 61% of total bilateral health ODA in 2021 and 52% in 2022. Most health sectors saw an increase in bilateral ODA in 2021, given the increased prioritization of health in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Multilateral Spending and Commitments

Canada is a strong supporter of health multilaterals, especially in recent years, given their importance to the global COVID-19 response.

In May 2020, Canada joined the ACT-A. Canada’s funding for ACT-A has been channeled through CEPI, Global Fund, Gavi, FIND, Unitaid, UNICEF, WHO, and PAHO.

Funding and Policy Outlook

What is the current government's outlook on global health?

Health will remain a cornerstone of Canada’s FIAP: Within health, Canada’s emphasis will remain on the health of women and girls, particularly related to SRHR and MNCH. Canada has been a vocal supporter of these issues through its participation in Women Deliver, She Decides, Family Planning 2020, the Ouagadougou Partnership, and the PMNCH.

Canada will likely continue to champion SRHR, especially following the threat posed by COVID-19: In 2020, the Canadian government joined leaders from 58 other countries in calling out the importance of safeguarding SRHR during the COVID-19 crisis. In 2020, Canada was the 5th-largest provider of overall contributions to the UNFPA. The focus of this funding has been SRHR in conflict zones, health system strengthening, and midwifery projects. Canada’s 2021-2022 progress report on its 10-Year Commitment to Global Health and Rights showed that the government spent CAD1.3 billion (US$942 million) on global health, with CAD567 million ( US$411 million) spending on SRHR in FY2021/22.

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Key Bodies

Global health R&D is also important to addressing many of the global health challenges that disproportionately affect the world’s most disadvantaged people. For more information on how donor countries are supporting global health R&D across three main areas — 1) EIDs; 2) PRNDs; and 3) SRH — read the excellent G-Finder reports and explore the interactive data portal created by Policy Cures Research. Not all funding mentioned in these analyses qualifies as ODA.

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