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Our Partners
The Donor Tracker’s fundamental premise is to make work easier for development professionals and advocates around the world. Collaboration with other organizations and initiatives that do similar work or that engage with similar audiences is thus an important element of our core approach.
Interested in collaborating with the Donor Tracker?
The Donor Tracker welcomes two types of partners:
- Organizations and initiatives that do similar work, i.e. track, analyze, interpret, and share information about funding for global development
- Organizations and individuals that engage with similar audiences (civil society organizations, think tanks, media, academia) on topics related to global development overall, as well as on the Donor Tracker's 'Deep Dive' topics of global health, education, nutrition, agriculture, and global health R&D.
The Donor Tracker is not a funding or implementing organization, therefore we do not form partnerships or offer direct support of any kind to implementers.
If you would like to discuss possibilities for collaborating with us, please email [email protected].

Development Reimagined

Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens


Other Partners
- Overseas Development Institute
- Policy Cures Research
- Devex
- Advocacy Accelerator
- WASHwatch
- Global Health Hub Germany
In the Media
Publish What You Fund
Who will be in the next Aid Transparency Index and how will they be assessed?
"Donor Tracker has published a climate adaptation commitment tracker, covering ten donors. The tracker aims to provide timely information and tackle a lack of transparency and accountability. Work is underway to expand this to also cover pledges relating to mitigation and loss and damage."
Devex Pro
Development groups prepare to fight German budget cuts
"There is also deep concern about the proposal to cut €1.1 billion from the Foreign Affairs Ministry’s budget for humanitarian assistance, according to an analysis by SEEK Development’s Donor Tracker."

Devex Pro
Japanese Aid: A Primer
"According to Donor Tracker’s predictions, Japan is expected to spend around $3 billion on multilateral aid in 2023, and $17.9 billion total gross ODA on bilateral aid."
What the French presidential election could mean for development aid
"That would mean a $7.6 billion increase in ODA compared to France’s 2021 spending of $19.2 billion, according to Donor Tracker."
Germany commits extra €200M to Education Cannot Wait
“'It’s a good way for the German government to start implementing a mix of interlinked priorities set out in the coalition treaty,' said Raimund Zühr, the head of Donor Tracker."

Global Citizen
Why Do We Need Better Funding to End Global Hunger?
"A new report by Donor Tracker maps funding levels for food security, nutrition, and agriculture and offers various recommendations for transforming the global food system."

The Guardian
Quarter of women and girls have been abused by a partner, says WHO
"Funding to address violence against women has increased significantly over the past five years. Bilateral aid from OECD development assistance committee (DAC) donor countries rose from $121m (£87m) in 2016 to $449m in 2019 – the majority coming from EU programmes – according to analysis by the funding trends website Donor Tracker."