Policy Context

Health ODA was dramatically cut over the last two decades, gradually making it a sub-priority of Denmark’s development policy. That said, the country established itself as a global leader in the promotion of SRHR making health a key component of its gender equality policy objective. The governmnet gradually deprioritized capacity-building of local healthcare systems in its development cooperation. Global health is, however, returning as a priority due to the relevance of increasingly powerful pharmaceutical companies and foundations operating in Denmark.

ODA Spending

How much ODA does Denmark allocate to global health?

In 2021, Denmark allocated a total of US$261 million (9%) of ODA, to global health. Denmark was ranked 15th among DAC donors for its funding to global health, and 26th among DAC donors for its funding to global health as a percentage of total ODA.

How is Denmark's global health ODA changing?

Denmark’s ODA funding to global health decreased between 2018 and 2020 but increased between 2020 and 2021. This was largely due to an increase in earmarked funding through multilaterals for infectious disease control and COVID-19 control.

How does Denmark allocate global health ODA?

In 2021, Denmark provided US$69 million (26%) of its health ODA as bilateral funding and US$125 million, or 48%, as earmarked funding through multilaterals. US$68 million, or 26%, was core funding to multilaterals.

Multilateral Spending

Bilateral Spending

In 2021, Denmark provided US$194 million in bilateral health ODA, including bilateral and earmarked for multilaterals.

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Denmark/Global Health

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