ODA Spending
How much does Japan allocate to agricultural ODA?
Japan was the 3rd largest DAC donor to agriculture in 2022.
Funding for agriculture and rural development represented 4% of Japan’s total ODA in 2022, lower than the DAC average of 5%. Although Japan's ODA towards agriculture has remained stable, its share as a percentage of total ODA has decreased slightly.
How is Japanese agricultural ODA changing?
Japan’s ODA to agriculture increased by 9% from 2021-2022.
In line with its overall ODA, Japan channeled most of its ODA for agriculture projects bilaterally, including a small share as earmarked funding through multilaterals. The share of agriculture ODA channeled as core funding to multilaterals had increased in 2021, but decreased from 41% in 2021 to 35% in 2022.
How does Japan allocate agricultural ODA?
Bilateral Spending
Japan’s bilateral agricultural ODA amounted to US$727 million in 2022, an increase of 20% from 2021 levels. In 2022, agricultural water resources received the largest share of bilateral funding at 34%, followed by 8% to food crop production, and 8% for forestry development.
Multilateral Spending and Commitments
Multilateral ODA to agriculture stood at US$387 million in 2022, representing 35% of total agricultural ODA. This does not include earmarked funding through multilaterals. The largest recipient was the GCF ( US$174 million), followed by the IDA ( US$115 million), and IFC ( US$31 million).
Japan joined the GAFSP in 2012 and pledged US$30 million to GAFSP’s private sector window. By the end of 2016, Japan had disbursed the full amount. No further pledges or disbursements have been made to GAFSP since then.
The table below summarizes Japan’s more recent commitments to multilaterals working on agricultural development. Some of these commitments are considered core funding to multilaterals, while others will be earmarked funding through multilaterals.
Funding and Policy Outlook
What is the current government's outlook on agricultural ODA?
Agriculture and food security are key to enhance the autonomy and resilience of socioeconomic systems: In its Development Cooperation Charter, Japan advocates for cooperation to strengthen and diversify supply chains, diversify economies, ensure the sustainable supply of resources, foster and protect technology, improve investment environments, and enhance food production and nutrition. Most of the country’s bilateral ODA for agriculture and rural development is channeled through JICA. JICA prioritizes promoting sustainable agriculture production, stable food supply, and dynamic rural communities. Japan has historically supported small-scale farming and is expected to continue to do so.
Emphasis on improving agricultural outcomes in Africa: Japan emphasizes agriculture in Africa and has included agriculture as a recurring theme of its TICAD. One notable output of TICAD was the CARD initiative, which was launched by JICA, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, and the New Partnership for African Development following TICAD IV in 2008. Organized as a consultative group of bilateral and multilateral donors as well as African and international institutions, CARD works to double rice production in Africa. JICA implements numerous bilateral projects on the development of rice production capabilities with CARD partner countries. This focus is set to continue as CARD enters its second phase of programming (2019-2030).
In November 2024, JICA announced a new climate strategyfor agricultural and rural development cooperation to address the pressing need for climate resilience and sustainable practices, particularly in LICs facing heightened climate risks. Emphasizing human security, this strategy aligns with Japan’s commitments under the Paris Agreement and integrates both adaptation and mitigation measures.
The strategy identified six core actions:
- Developing climate impact assessment tools;
- Proposing customized adaptation approaches;
- Reviewing current projects for climate impacts;
- Incorporating resilience in new projects;
- Promoting mitigation techniques; and
- Advancing knowledge-sharing efforts.
Key focal areas included:
- Enhancing water resource efficiency;
- Promoting sustainable farming; and
- Supporting innovations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially in regions heavily affected by climate change.
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