Donor Profile
Last updated: December 20, 2024
ODA Spending
How much ODA does Sweden allocate?
In 2023, Sweden was the 9th-largest donor country overall. Sweden’s commitment to development cooperation remains one of the strongest in the world, ranking 1st in the Center for Global Development’s 2023 Commitment to Development Index.
How is Swedish ODA changing?
Sweden has a long history of providing development assistance and, since 1975, has exceeded the UN target of 0.7% of ODA/GNI. However, in September 2022, Sweden's new right-wing government announced that it was ending the country's commitment to spend at least 1% of its GNI on ODA. Instead, the government aims to decouple Swedish ODA from a specific funding target and set it at a fixed amount for three years (2023-2026) to make spending more predictable.
Where is Swedish ODA allocated?
Sweden has traditionally been a strong supporter of multilateral systems, although this support, especially for the UN system, has been declining. Sweden's right-wing government has announced that it plans to redirect funding from multilateral organizations to CSOs.
Support for multilateral organizations is composed of earmarked funding through multilaterals for specific sectors or regions, as well as core funding to multilaterals.
Between 2014-2022, the cost of hosting refugees in Sweden accounted for a large share of the country’s reported ODA, peaking at US$2.7 billion in 2015, or 34% of ODA, before gradually dropping to a decade low of US$88 million in 2021, or 2% of total ODA. The cost of hosting refugees rose again in 2022 to the highest level since 2018, reaching US$426 million. However, the 2023-2026 Swedish ODA budget has established an 8% cap for using resources from the development budget in IRDCs.
Bilateral Spending
Sweden channels a third of its bilateral ODA through CSOs, well above the DAC average of 11%. The government recognizes CSOs’ key role in reducing poverty, strengthening democratic development and supporting human rights.
Virtually all of Sweden’s ODA is disbursed as grants. The remaining funding is made up of capital subscriptions, or equity investments, by the MFA into Swedfund, Sweden’s state-owned development finance institution.
More than half of the funding in the area 'government and civil society', which received the largest share of bilateral ODA in 2022, goes to projects supporting democratic participation or human rights. These areas remain salient for Sweden, especially following multiples instances of democratic backsliding, aggravated by the pandemic.
Accounting for 16% of bilateral funding, humanitarian assistance was the 2nd largest spending area of Sweden’s bilateral ODA in 2022. Humanitarian assistance remains a growing funding area for Sweden, with a particular focus on conflict-affected areas.
The new strategic framework for Sweden’s development assistance, Development assistance for a new era of freedom, empowerment and sustainable growth (2023) highlights that bilateral funding must be focused on the lowest income and most vulnerable countries. This policy is backed by funding data: 31% of Sweden’s bilateral ODA was allocated to LICs in 2021. Sweden has recognized that an increasing proportion of global poverty is found in MICs, but the government is likely to continue to strengthen its focus on fragile states.
Multilateral Spending and Commitments
Sweden has traditionally been a strong supporter of the UN, with 40% of core contributions to multilaterals in 2022 having gone to the UN. Sweden supports UN reform efforts and pushes its ‘women, peace and security’ agenda. Its priorities in the UN include conflict prevention, peace building, gender equality, global development, climate, and human rights. Despite this longstanding support, Sweden’s right-wing government has signaled it intends to redirect funding from multilateral organization to CSOs and remains committed to multilateral spending but has emphasized the importance of sustainability, transparency, and efficacy in ODA spending.
Funding to multilateral organizations is disbursed in line with the 2023 strategic framework, which defines the orientation of Sweden’s multilateral engagement and provides guidelines to the three main stakeholders for this area: the MFA, Sida, and Swedish embassies.
Recent commitments to multilateral organizations are summarized below.
Politics and Priorities
What is the current state of Swedish politics?
Sweden is a parliamentary democracy. At the national level, the people are represented by the Riksdag, which has legislative power. The government implements the Riksdag's decisions and draws up proposals for new laws or amendments. There are general elections every four years. The three dominant political parties are the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the Moderate Party, and the Sweden Democrats.
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson of the Moderate Party took office in November 2022. Kristersson leads a right-wing coalition government encompassing the Liberal and Christian Democratic Parties, supported by the right-wing, anti-immigrant Sweden Democratic Party in parliament. Benjamin Dousa of the Moderate Party was named Minister of International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade in September 2024, replacing Johan Forssell.
Former Minister for Foreign Affairs Tobias Billström (Moderate Party) presented Sweden's Statement of Foreign Policy, which summarizes the government’s ODA priorities, to in February 2024. Ukraine will remain Sweden's top foreign and development policy priority. In 2024, Ukraine is expected to be the largest recipient of Swedish bilateral development assistance. Priorities for this area of support are outlined in Sweden’s strategy for reconstruction and reform cooperation with Ukraine 2023–2027 focusing on democracy, social and economic reconstruction, green transition and future EU membership.
In 2023, the Swedish government unveiled its new strategic framework for the country's development assistance, titled Development assistance for a new era - freedom, empowerment and sustainable growth. The reform agenda is set to recalibrate Sweden's approach to international ODA, infusing it with a strong focus on sustainability, transparency, and efficacy.
Sweden also aims to use ODA as a lever to strengthen countries’ democratic development and participation in the international economy and find synergies between its international development and global trade policies. Sweden has an ambition to make ODA more focused, relevant, effective, and transparent. Objectives will be set in terms of quality and results.
In addition to support for Ukraine, ODA will prioritize poverty reduction and health initiatives for the most vulnerable, humanitarian support, democracy and human rights, enhanced climate action, and initiatives for the rights and opportunities of women and girls.
Who is responsible for allocating Swedish ODA?
What are Sweden's development priorities?
The government’s 2023 strategic framework for Sweden’s development assistance outlines the following thematic priorities, aligned with the SDGs:
- Combating poverty through job creation, trade, and education;
- Improved health for the most vulnerable;
- Promoting freedom and fighting oppression;
- Expanded and more effective climate assistance;
- Strengthening women’s and girls’ freedom and empowerment;
- Strengthened synergies between development assistance and migration policy; and
- Enhanced humanitarian assistance to save lives and alleviate suffering.
In 2024, Sweden launched a five-year strategy for enhancing development cooperation, centered on cooperation in the areas of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. The strategy has a budget of SEK900 million ( US$89 million) in 2024.
Conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance are also seen as key priorities. Conflict prevention focuses on women, peace, and security, including training and integration of women in peace negotiation processes. Sweden’s humanitarian assistance is needs-based and presented separately from development focus areas in the 2016 Policy framework for Swedish development cooperation and humanitarian assistance, but there is a focused on strengthening cooperation and increasing synergies between humanitarian initiatives and long-term development cooperation.
Given the new government’s particular focus on immigration, development assistance policy will focus on counteracting irregular migration, increasing repatriation, and effectively contributing to voluntary returns. Development assistance will also encompass effective measures to reduce the root causes of migration. Former Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell became the Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy in September 2024.
Sweden’s global trade, export promotion and ODA policies have become more closely associated in recent years. As such, Sweden named a single minister responsible for development assistance and foreign trade. The minister for development assistance and foreign trade is also given special responsibility for Sweden’s support to the reconstruction of Ukraine.
In June 2023, former Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade JohanForssell stated the government's ambition to bring increase private sector involvement in development policy. Forssell emphasized the need for a modern approach to development, where trade and assistance are seen as two sides of the same coin.
By Issue
Gender Equality: Sweden, a longstanding champion of gender equality, was the first country to implement an explicitly feminist foreign policy in 2014. The country’s right-wing government has announced it will not continue implementing this policy because, according to the former minister of foreign affairs, “the label obscures the fact the Swedish foreign policy must be based on Swedish values and Swedish interests.” Gender equality is nonetheless still a development priority.
Climate: Sweden is also committed to environmental protection and resilience, and disaster risk reduction, with a special emphasis on marine resources. This focus is demonstrated at the multilateral level; Sweden is the largest per-capita donor to both the GEF and GCF. Sweden committed SEK2 billion ( US$217 million) to GEF for 2018-2022, a 50% increase compared to 2014-2018, and almost doubled its contribution to GCF to reach SEK8 billion ( US$869 million) for 2020-2023. In October 2021, the Swedish government announced plans to double its climate development assistance budget to SEK15 billion ( US$1.8 billion) by 2025, compared with 2019 levels. In November 2024, Sweden announced a new pledge of SEK8 billion ( US$869 million) for the GCF's second replenishment, making the country one of the largest donors per capita and highlighting country's leading role in climate finance.
Global health, agriculture, and education are key development focus areas for Sweden, but are not prioritized within policy. Promoting health initiatives for the most vulnerable is mentioned as a priority area in the government’s 2023 strategic development assistance framework, as is combating poverty through education.
Explore the deep dive on Sweden’s ODA for Global Health
By Region
SSA: In March 2022, Sweden adopted a new Regional strategy for development cooperation with Africa, which focuses on strengthening regional cooperation and integration in environment and climate, democracy and human rights, migration and development, economic integration, and peaceful and inclusive societies. The new strategy covers SEK4.7 billion ( US$464 million in 2022 prices) in total for the period 2022-2026.
The government’s 2024 budget set the ODA budget at SEK56 billion ( US$6.1 billion) annually in 2024-2026, which represents 0.88% of projected GNI.
The 2023-2026 budget set an annual 8% cap for the use of Sweden’s development budget to cover IDRCs.
The budget also highlights that Swedish ODA will be redirected from multilateral organizations to civil society. In addition to increased support to Ukraine, Sweden’s humanitarian assistance will increase. Priorities for Swedish ODA in 2024 include:
- Promoting Agenda 2030;
- Poverty reduction and health initiatives for the most vulnerable;
- Support for human rights defenders and champions of democracy;
- Expanded and streamlined climate assistance; and
- Women’s and girls’ rights and opportunities, including improved SRHR.
In September 2024, Sweden announced a reduction in its ODA budget as part of the autumn budget proposition, marking a shift in the country's long-standing commitment to international development assistance. Minister for International Development Cooperation Benjamin Dousa revealed that the annual ODA allocation will drop from SEK56 billion ( US$5.5 billion) to SEK53 billion ( US$5.2 billion) between 2026-2028. This represents a cut of SEK3 billion ( US$297million) per year compared to the 2023-2025 budget. Dousa declined to specify which areas of foreign assistance would face the most significant cuts.
What are the sources of Sweden's ODA budget?
Sida traditionally allocates the largest share, or about half, of Sweden's ODA budget. It administers and executes development policy implementation in cooperation with CSOs, embassies, and other government agencies.
The agency also provides increasing amounts of public guarantees, including for climate, environment, and agriculture. The MFA, which oversees development policy and financing and decides on core funding to multilateral organizations, managed a significant portion, about a third. Other agencies, including the Nordic Africa Institute, Folke Bernadotte Academy, and the Swedish National Audit Office, managed the remaining portion. This funding envelope covers asylum seeker costs (capped at 8% by the 2024 budget), EU contributions, and ODA evaluation.
Sweden’s right-wing government’s 2023-2024 budget introduced a new framework with a fixed ODA amount (SEK56 billion, or US$5.5 billion, annually) set for three years (2023-2025), which represents 0.88% of projected GNI. However, in September 2024, Sweden announced a reduction in its ODA budget as part of the autumn budget proposition to SEK53billion ( US$5.2 billion) between 2026-2028. The government also outlined that ODA will be redirected from multilateral organizations to civil society. Sweden aims to increase conditionality in its support for multilateral organizations with a clearer focus on results, good and effective governance, sustainability, and zero tolerance for corruption. ODA channeled via multilaterals will be more aligned with the government’s strategic priorities, focusing on humanitarian assistance, support for refugees, and children’s rights.
The 2025 ODA budget proposal has been presented by the government to Parliament and is currently under parliamentary debate, with a decision expected in January 2025.
How does Sweden determine its budget?
The Swedish budget process runs over a two-year period. It starts in the year that precedes its implementation and continues during the current fiscal year; the ongoing budget can be amended in spring and autumn.
The Spring Amending Budget Bill may be used to divert or reallocate funds originally allotted for the current year. The ongoing budget can also be amended in September when the government presents its budget bill to Parliament for the next year.
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At Donor Tracker, we prefer not to call it aid.
Our Sweden Experts

Lauren Ashmore
The Donor Tracker team, along with many DAC donor countries, no longer uses the term "foreign aid". In the modern world, "foreign aid" is monodirectional and insufficient to describe the complex nature of global development work, which, when done right, involves the establishment of profound economic and cultural ties between partners.
We strongly prefer the term Official Development Assistance (ODA) and utilize specific terms such as grant funding, loans, private sector investment, etc., which provide a clearer picture of what is concretely occurring. “Foreign aid” will be referenced for accuracy when referring to specific policies that use the term. Read more in this Donor Tracker Insight.
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Lauren Ashmore