Policy Context
In 2022, Ireland published its International Climate Finance Roadmap. Ireland’s principles within climate include:
- Leave no one behind and contribute to sustainable development for the most climate vulnerable people, communities, and countries;
- Locally-led climate action;
- Climate justice and just transition;
- Gender-sensitive climate action; and
- Transparency and good governance.
Beyond these guiding principles, Ireland also has several key priorities:
- Preference for grant-based climate finance, especially for LDCs, SIDS and fragile states;
- Engagement with multilateral partners, including the EU, UN, MDBs and multilateral funds;
- Climate-proofing Ireland’s ;abbrODA, and focusing on better integrating climate action and resilience across all channels of development finance; and
- Exploring opportunities to engage the private sector in climate action, with a focus on value addition of the private sector in the areas of climate resilience and adaptation.
The roadmap does not provide a specific target for adaptation, and instead aims for a ‘proportion of funding for adaptation’.
ODA Spending
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How is Ireland's climate-related ODA changing?
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