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The Budget Cuts Tracker

The Budget Cuts Tracker

Written by

Kristin Laub, Nadia Setiabudi, Sinéad Dwyer, Emily Barter, Elton Smole

Published on

March 7, 2025

Tracking Development Budget Cuts

Given the rapidly shifting ODA landscape across DAC donors, this new Development Budget Cuts Tracker closely follows cuts in ODA with frequent updates and analysis so you can stay ahead of the curve. Find more detail on the latest trends below, along with visualizations to compare figures across markets.

Over the next weeks we plan to add more analysis to this Tracker, including on how these cuts will affect different sectors and priorities. Let us know if you have any suggestions by emailing [email protected]

How much is ODA projected to fall in 2025?

Between 2019 and 2023, ODA was on a slow but steady upward trajectory. Recent announcements mean that this trend is expected to shift.

In 2023, the latest year for which official data is available, the 17 largest DAC donors provided US$213.13 billion in ODA (making up over 95% of total recorded ODA from all DAC donors). In 2025, our projections suggest that ODA from these donors will fall by a total of US$74.02 billion. The biggest drivers of this decline are cuts from the two largest donors, the US and Germany. Across 12 other markets, including France and the UK, ODA is expected to decline due to a combination of budget cuts, reduced in-donor refugee costs, and reduced GDP growth. Small expected ODA increases in three markets, namely Japan, South Korea, and Italy, will not be able to cover the losses.

How are individual donors' ODA levels projected to change?

Click on each chart to explore projected changes in ODA at the donor level.

We have summarized major announcements on budget cuts below. Over the next weeks we will continue to update this analysis, including the latest insights on how these cuts will affect different sectors and priorities.

Kristin Laub

Kristin Laub

Nadia Setiabudi

Nadia Setiabudi

Sinéad Dwyer

Sinéad Dwyer

Emily Barter

Emily Barter

Elton Smole

Elton Smole

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