Policy Context

MNCH is a cornerstone of USAID’s global health program and strategy, which focus on family planning, improving maternal and child health, malaria, and nutrition to prevent child and maternal deaths.

The 2023 Framework on Preventing Child and Maternal Deaths (2023-2030) is a detailed document which details a comprehensive approach to MNCH with a focus on reducing preventable child and maternal mortality in 25 priority countries, and increasing lifesaving interventions. Within this framework, improving primary health care is an overall priority.

The US has a longstanding interest and has shown consistent funding commitments to MNCH in the past decade. Support to MNCH is a significant focus of US global health ODA and includes funding for MNCH-specific initiatives as well as related funding towards infectious disease prevention and controlling HIV/AIDS epidemics.

How is the US’ bilateral ODA to MNCH evolving?

Estimated overall MNCH ODA shows a slight decrease in funding in the past five years. However, MNCH budget lines and level of bilateral investments through USAID have remained consistent over the past decade.

How does the US allocate bilateral MNCH ODA?

Of the US’ allocable bilateral MNCH ODA in 2021, the largest share went to LICs and countries in SSA. The top 10 recipient countries of bilateral MNCH ODA are also listed as USAID’s 25 priority countries in the MNCH framework.

Key Bodies

How is ODA to MNCH calculated?

ODA to MNCH is estimated using the Muskoka2 methodology which estimates the proportion that each relevant OECD CRS purpose code contributes to reproductive health (RH), maternal and newborn health (MNH), and child health (CH). Disbursements that benefit MNCH were determined using CRS purpose codes for all donors except GAVI, UNFPA, and UNICEF, for which fixed percentages of disbursements were considered to benefit MNCH.

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