Policy Context
WASH is expected to remain stable on the UK’s development agenda and features prominently in the UK’s Ending Preventable Deaths, UHC, and Global Health policy papers. The sector is seen as integral to the UK’s global health work. The issue of water more generally, including its importance in delivering nutritious sustainable food systems and in developing sustainable cities, is central to the UK’s international climate policy approach. While WASH has some connections with UK gender work, the linkage is not as strong as with the UK’s global health work. While WASH may be a stable priority on the policy agenda, global health funding has been cut and is unlikely to return to 2019 levels in the near-term. The FCDO’s global health directorate is the main funding source for WASH and sanitation.
Funding Trends and Outlook
How is UK bilateral ODA to WASH evolving?
UK bilateral funding for WASH dropped significantly since 2018, in part due to funding cuts for global health funding.
How is UK bilateral ODA to sanitation evolving?
In 2021, the UK’s ODA to sanitation was US$57 million. Between 2017 and 2021, the UK’s ODA for sanitation has plummeted, dropping 65%, following trends for WASH as a whole.
How does the UK allocate bilateral sanitation ODA?
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