Policy Context
WASH is a key area of focus in Japan, especially within the bilateral ODA envelope. Contributions in WASH are typically made at the country level. Sanitation is not an explicit focus.
Funding Trends and Outlook
How is Japan’s bilateral ODA to WASH evolving?
Japan’s ODA to WASH has decreased significantly since 2017, falling to its lowest point in 2020, and recovering slightly in 2021.
How is Japan’s bilateral ODA to sanitation evolving?
In 2021, Japan’s ODA to sanitation was US$179 million.{title=” Not all sanitation funding was identified within WASH purpose codes; therefore, the two figures are not directly comparable.”} Between 2017 and 2020, Japan’s ODA to sanitation dipped steeply, increasing slightly in 2021, following overall WASH trends.
How does Japan allocate bilateral sanitation ODA?
Japan provides the vast majority of its funding to sanitation as loans. In addition, Japan has an almost exclusive focus on large systems sanitation, including sewered systems as part of its infrastructure priorities.
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