Political Context

Food security and agriculture are long-standing priorities for German development cooperation. Former Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Müller launched the special initiative ONE WORLD – No Hunger in 2014, which focused on food and nutrition security and rural development. The initiative is continued in the current legislative term by Development Minister Svenja Schulze, under the new title Transformation of agricultural and food systems. The special initiative is implemented through official and non-governmental development cooperation, as well as through multilateral partners. The transformation of agricultural and food systems is one of the six core themes within the BMZ’s Agenda 2030 thematic model.

How is Germany’s ODA to NFS evolving?

In 2021, Germany’s ODA to NFS was US$161 million, representing 11% of Germany’s agricultural ODA.

Between 2017 and 2021, German ODA funding to NFS has increased by 21%.

The anticipated decrease in the BMZ budget for 2024 is predicted to result in cuts in the funding for Life without Hunger, falling from US$547 million in 2023 to US$563 million) in 2024, marking a 15% decrease. Additionally, the core bilateral budget is expected to decrease by up to 8% in 2024, which is predicted to affect bilateral programming in agriculture. The bilateral funding envelope does not detail specific breakdowns by sector or issue.

Multilateral funding to the WFP ( US$82 million), CGIAR ( US$34 million) and IFAD ( US$31 million) is expected to remain stable compared to 2023.

How does Germany allocate NFS ODA?

Germany focuses on LDCs in its development cooperation. 30% of German NFS ODA went to LDCs in 2021. In 2021, all of Germany’s NFS funding was in the form of grants.

In line with Germany’s increasing focus on the African continent, top regions receiving funding include Sub-Saharan Africa, South America, and Asia.

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