Political Context

The EU follows an Action Plan on Nutrition, active for 2015-2025, which sets out the way the Commission will deliver on its 2025 target of reducing the number of stunted children under five by 7 million. EUI state that nutrition-sensitive agriculture requires attention to targeting areas or groups worst affected by under nutrition. This is evidenced by the EUI’s further strategies, such as “Farm to Fork Strategy”, “Rights of the Child”, and “Towards a Comprehensive Strategy with Africa”, which show the EUI’s willingness to boost cooperation to improve nutrition and alleviate food insecurity through resilient, safe and sustainable food systems.

How is EUI ODA to NFS evolving?

In 2021, the EUI’s ODA to NFS was US$250 million, representing 17% of EUI agricultural ODA.

Though funding levels to NFS in 2021 compared to 2017 have slightly decreased, by approximately 9%, funding has remained fairly steady since 2018.

How do the EUI allocate NFS ODA?

The EUI’s primary regional emphasis is directed towards the African continent, particularly concentrating its efforts on Sub-Saharan Africa. This regional focus aligns with the broader EUI broader approach to development cooperation. Consequently, a significant majority of the EUI's funding to NFS, exceeding 65% is situated within LDCs.

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