Policy Context
For over 20 years, the legal framework of Belgian Cooperation has envisaged the cross-cutting integration of gender equality. The Development Cooperation Act of 1999 already included attention to gender integration, with equality between women and men listed among the cross-cutting themes.
In 2016, the DGD launched a strategic note on gender equality outlining the priority areas of Belgian Cooperation in this field, which included:
- Education;
- Food security;
- Access to natural resources and economic empowerment; and
- Gender-based violence.
FPS Foreign Affairs has no published gender equality strategy, however, women’s rights and LGBTQ+ rights are among its priorities. In addition, FPS Foreign Affairs contributes to various national action plans, including Resolution 1325, which focuses on the elimination of gender-based violence. Belgium is also a strong advocate for SRHR and was one of the earliest supporters of the She Decides initiative.
While Belgium does not have an FFP, it is actively participating in relevant feminist dialogues. Belgium has joined an informal group at the UN in New York dedicated to FFP, which released a political declaration on feminist approaches to foreign policy in September 2023. Belgium performs well on the Feminist Foreign Policy Index and consistently ranks high in terms of share of bilateral allocable ODA dedicated to gender equality, mainly driven by significant funding. There is a strong CSO effort to contribute to discussions for Belgium’s adoption of an FFP, led by CNCD 11.11.11 and 11.11.11, the Belgian Dutch platform.
ODA Spending
How much ODA does Belgium allocate to gender equality?
How is Belgium's gender equality ODA changing?
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